A brief update on Village matters; things to look forward to; things going on as we sweat through these dog days of summer.
We expect Exxon and Chevron to start the remediation of the southern end of the waterfront before the end of the summer. An exciting moment, and one we have been waiting for decades. BP Arco will be bringing engineers in to look at the remaining building (Building 52) on the waterfront, in concert with a team of Village volunteers, to determine what needs to be done to preserve it. Earlier this year, we won a commitment of $2 million from BP to preserve that structure, and this is the first step.
We continue work on a major modification to the building code to introduce green building principles, based on the new International Green Construction Code. A working group with Trustee Jennings, our Building Department, Conservation Committee, the Planning Board and volunteers from industry and architecture are moving this along. It will put us at the forefront nationally for well-crafted green construction codes and will be an important and proud moment for our Village.
Wildlife Management
Last month it was worrying about coyotes, now back to deer. While we secured a permit to cull from New York State, we’ve looked at the issues around implementation and just don’t believe it will work here in Hastings. We’re setting that permit formally aside and will be pursuing a non-lethal option potentially just as effective over time (something called immunocontraception). There are some exciting developments on that front that we will share at the August 24th Board Meeting. If you spend a lot of time spent outside, remember to check for ticks and see your doctor if you develop growing, circular rashes.
We’re going to be getting bids for producing the first set of basic directional signage for our downtown – something that has been sorely missing from our village. While there’s no Friday Night Live in August (our volunteers deserve a break after the last set of knock-out events), we are tentatively planning one for September 3rd. Stay tuned for details. Meanwhile, there’s live music at various venues and our many fine restaurants are a little quieter so getting a table is easier. We also have a new restaurant in town – Falafel Shack at the north end of Warburton. $5 falafels, great shish kebab, all excellent (Taste-tested! If you have vegetarians in your family, like we do, it’s sure to be a big hit.)
Trustee Armacost is working up basic guidelines for our boards and committees so our many excellent volunteer participants know what to expect. That should be issued shortly.
Upcoming Events
You have the opportunity to donate blood at the library on August 11th from 2-7. Questions, call our inimitable Sue Feir at 478-3307. Summer’s always a quiet period and blood donors are especially appreciated now.
Our Fire Department is cranking up preparation for the event of the year, coming in late September. It’s not too early to mention it and build a little excitement. It’s the celebration in honor of the 100th year of the founding of our River View Manor Hose Company #3 (located on Euclid Avenue). There will be a block party on the Friday, September 24th between 7PM and 10PM on Main Street and then a spectacular parade of (at least!) 35 ladder trucks, pumpers, and ambulances as well as other vehicles from all over Westchester and elsewhere on Saturday, September 25th at 3PM. It’s sure to be a real show-stopper!
The annual street repaving will also be done later this summer as well. Apologies for the inevitable disruption. We saved serioous money, again, going joint on a single contract with all the other rivertown Villages.
On vacation?
Finally, if you are on vacation and would like the police to periodically check up on your house while you are gone, you can drop by the station and fill out a vacation form or do it right online at http://www.hastingsgov.org/Pages/HastingsNY_Police/policevacation . In the meantime, enjoy the rest of this hot summer, stay comfortable, and see you at the pool or around town.
Peter Swiderski is mayor of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson.