ALBANY, NY, July 22, 2010 -- Carl Paladino's "Mosque" press release (see below) was forwarded to me just now.
I oppose Mr. Paladino's plan to waste money, and abuse property rights through eminent domain.
For one thing, condos in that part of Manhattan have been known to sell for $3 million or more. In an eminent domain proceeding, a property like this could cost the state tens of milliions of dollars. The state would then have to spend tens of millions more to build something at the site for a public purpose.
To sustain any kind of public purpose argument for an eminent domain proceeding, the state would also have to purchase and develop other properties in the area. This would dramatically increase the cost to New York taxpayers into the hundreds of millions.
Mr. Paladino's knee-jerk proposal to abuse property rights and the First Amendment will worsen our state's budget crisis. As he and Rick Lazio race to win votes through the politics of hate, I will continue to fight for the Constitution and liberty.
For further information about the Warren Redlich for Governor campaign visit the website.
PALADINO: "AS GOVERNOR I'LL USE EMINENT DOMAIN TO BLOCK THE MOSQUE"(BUFFALO, NY) - Buffalo Developer and lawyer Carl Paladino said today that he would use the powers of eminent domain to stop a mosque from being constructed near the Ground Zero site inNew York City.
"As Governor I will use the power of eminent domain to stop this mosque and make the site a war memorial instead of a monument to those who attacked our country," Paladino said in a thirty second radio spot playing statewide beginning Wednesday evening.
A successful lawyer and developer who built and manages a half billion dollar commercial real estate portfolio, Paladino scoffed at critics who claim federal law prohibits his strategy to stop the Islamic mosque. "I've been driving land-use issues for 40 years, and I understand the full powers of the governor," he said. "If the ACLU or anyone else wants to challenge me in court, I'm ready for the fight."
" Andrew Cuomo supports the mosque," Paladino said. "He says it is about religious freedom and he says the mosque construction should proceed. I say it is disrespectful to the thousands who died on 9-11 and their families, insulting to the thousands of troops who've been killed or injured in the ensuing wars and an affront to American people. And it must be stopped."
"There is little to no democracy in the Middle East other than Israel. The Islamic fundamentalists are Fascists - women have limited rights, there is no free speech or freedom of expression, and citizens are subject to the often barbaric Sharia Law. I oppose a mosque near the site of Ground Zero, not because of race, but because of the ideology of the Islamic fundamentalists," said Paladino.
Paladino, a Republican candidate for Governor of New York, kicked off an advertising campaign to rally statewide opposition to the proposed Islamic mosque at Ground Zero in New York City and called outDemocrat candidate Andrew Cuomo for backing the divisive mosque.
Carl Paladino declared his candidacy for Governor of New York in Buffalo in April. He and Tom Ognibene, candidate for Lt. Governor, have petitioned their way into the Republican Primary and are canvassing also to create a Tea Party-oriented line - the Taxpayers Party. For more information on where Carl Paladino stands on the issues, please visit