Over the past few months, I have been approached by Mary Beth Murphy’s campaign to slander Greg. These backroom political hacks care about one thing: political power. Murphy’s negative campaign has relentlessly harassed me for months. They are simply not content to debate issues, but instead need to create lies.
Their goal is power in Albany and they must destroy Greg Ball personally and professionally to do that. Sadly, the facts are not their concern. Mary Beth Murphy should be ashamed, and she must immediately tell her Albany handlers to stop the negative smear campaign. As anyone with moral fiber would do, I rejected their efforts, but as women and voters, we must all stand up against this disgusting smear campaign.
I as a voter I do not want Mary Beth Murphy, who raised taxes and spending and hiked her own salary as Supervisor, to be my State Senator. Even more disgusting is that fact that she, as a woman, would surround herself with a mostly male, and Albany based team that thinks going after an ‘ex-girlfriend’ is the way to win an election.
All this does is just prove she is the worst kind of politician, attacking on garbage issues and surrounding herself with career politicians who sink to this moral low of avoiding what the people need and want.
The women and families of New York need a voice who will fight for what is right, not a career politician who thinks talking about trash and garbage is going to get her elected. These slanderous attacks and lies are all they have, a bag full of garbage. Enough is enough.
Let’s throw this trash out!